When María Sylvia Correa Álvarez was born on 21 June 1924, in Colchagua, Chile, her father, Diego Celedonio de Todos los Santos Correa Labbé, was 29 and her mother, María Virginia Enriqueta Álvarez Castro, was 26. She married José Jorge Enrique Squella Avendaño on 26 February 1950, in Las Cruces, Paredones, Cardenal Caro, Chile. They were the parents of at least 6 sons and 3 daughters.
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Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Juan, Luis, Carlos, Manuel, Jorge, Pedro, Miguel, Jesus, Ramon, Raul, Francisco.
Spanish: from correa ‘leather strap, belt, rein, shoelace’ (from Latin corrigia ‘fastening’, from corrigere ‘to straighten, to correct’), applied as a metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of such articles.
Jewish (Sephardic): adoption of the Spanish surname (see 1 above) at the moment of conversion to Roman Catholicism. After the return to Judaism (generations later), some descendants retained the name their families used as Catholics.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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