David Erwin Leeper

Brief Life History of David Erwin

When David Erwin Leeper was born on 14 May 1892, in Memphis, Missouri, United States, his father, William Stewart Leeper, was 36 and his mother, Minerva Jane Walker, was 34. He married Martha Matilda Lee about 1917. They were the parents of at least 1 son and 1 daughter. He lived in Elm Township, Pratt, Kansas, United States in 1920 and Pratt, Pratt, Kansas, United States for about 10 years. He died on 2 December 1981, in Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo, California, United States, at the age of 89, and was buried in Pratt, Pratt, Kansas, United States.

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Family Time Line

David Erwin Leeper
Edith Ann Pearson
Marriage: 2 December 1929
Erwin Edward Leeper
Jerrol Dean Leeper
Shirley L Leeper

Sources (16)

  • Dave Leeper, "United States Census, 1930"
  • David E Leeper, "Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995"
  • Dave Erwin Leeper, "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918"

World Events (8)

1896 · Plessy vs. Ferguson

A landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities if the segregated facilities were equal in quality. It's widely regarded as one of the worst decisions in U.S. Supreme Court history.

1898 · War with the Spanish

After the explosion of the USS Maine in the Havana Harbor in Cuba, the United States engaged the Spanish in war. The war was fought on two fronts, one in Cuba, which helped gain their independence, and in the Philippines, which helped the US gain another territory for a time.

1916 · The First woman elected into the US Congress

Jeannette Pickering Rankin became the first woman to hold a federal office position in the House of Representatives, and remains the only woman elected to Congress by Montana.

Name Meaning

English and Scottish:

from Middle English le(a)pere, anoccupational name for a basket maker (from Old English lēap‘basket’).

occupational name or nickname for a dancer, runner, orcourier (Old English hlēapere).

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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