When Robert L Desmond was born in 1899, in Bellingham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States, his father, Robert Desmond, was 37 and his mother, Etta Carey, was 30. He died in 1901, in Bellingham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States, at the age of 2, and was buried in Saint Josephs Cemetery, Medway, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.
Some characteristic forenames: Irish Aidan, Aileen, Brendan, Colm, Donal, Liam, Mairead, Sean Patrick, Siobhan.
Irish (Cork): Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Deasmhumhnaigh ‘descendant of the man from southern Munster’, from deas ‘south’ + Mumhain ‘Munster’, an ancient Irish kingdom named for Mumhu, one of its early kings. The surname Desmond has passed into common use as a personal name, not only in Ireland.
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