Mary E Flavin was born in 1856, in England, United Kingdom. She had at least 1 son with Henry E Flavin. She immigrated to United States in 1890 and lived in Denver, Colorado, United States for about 10 years.
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Historical Boundaries: 1858: Arapahoe, Kansas Territory, United States 1859: Montana, Kansas Territory, United States 1861: Unorganized Federal Territory, United States 1861: Colorado Territory, United States 1861: Arapahoe, Colorado Territory, United States 1876: Arapahoe, Colorado, United States 1902: Denver, Colorado, United States [Denver is a City-County]
In 1861, Denver City was incorporated into the territory as an official city.
This Act tried to prevent the raising of prices by restricting trade. The purpose of the Act was to preserve a competitive marketplace to protect consumers from abuse.
Some characteristic forenames: Irish Aileen, Mhairi.
Irish: shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Flaithimhín and Ó Flaitheamháin ‘descendant of Flaithimhín and Flaitheamhán’. Both personal names are from diminutives of flaith(eamh) ‘prince, ruler’.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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