Edward R. Jones was born on 2 April 1845, in North Wales, Wales, United Kingdom. He married Laura Ann Ferry in 1882. They were the parents of at least 1 son and 1 daughter. He lived in Bevier Township, Macon, Missouri, United States in 1900. He died on 25 May 1932, in Macon, Macon, Missouri, United States, at the age of 87, and was buried in East Oakwood Cemetery, Bevier Township, Macon, Missouri, United States.
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U.S. acquires vast tracts of Mexican territory in wake of Mexican War including California and New Mexico.
Like the iron and copper mines, the coal fields in South Wales were very important to the industrial revolution. Many of those that worked in the coal mines were part of the Merthyr uprising.
Caused by many crimes and breaking the Tenure of Office Act, Many Senators and House Representatives became angry with President Johnson and began discussions of his Impeachment. After a special session of Congress, the Articles of Impeachment were approved by the House and then the Senate. Making Andrew Johnson the first President to be Impeached.
English and Welsh: from the Middle English personal name Jon(e) (see John ), with genitival or post-medieval excrescent -s. The surname is especially common in Wales and southern central England. It began to be adopted as a non-hereditary surname in some parts of Wales from the 16th century onward, but did not become a widespread hereditary surname there until the 18th and 19th centuries. In North America, this surname has absorbed various cognate and like-sounding surnames from other languages. It is (including in the sense 2 below) the fifth most frequent surname in the US. It is also very common among African Americans and Native Americans.
English: habitational or occupational name for someone who lived or worked ‘at John's (house)’.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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