Emily B was born on 10 September 1840, in Maryland, United States. She married John Wesley Bryan in 1870. They were the parents of at least 3 sons. She lived in District 2 Election District, Baltimore, Maryland, United States in 1900 and Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United States in 1910. She died on 10 August 1913, in Baltimore, Maryland, United States, at the age of 72, and was buried in Brooklyn Park, Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States.
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U.S. acquires vast tracts of Mexican territory in wake of Mexican War including California and New Mexico.
Abraham Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, declaring slaves in Confederate states to be free.
The Battle of Gettysburg involved the largest number of casualties of the entire Civil war and is often described as the war's turning point. Between 46,000 and 51,000 soldiers lost their lives during the three-day Battle. To honor the fallen soldiers, President Abraham Lincoln read his historic Gettysburg Address and helped those listening by redefining the purpose of the war.
From a medieval form of the Latin name Aemilia, the feminine version of the old Roman family name Aemilius (probably from aemulus ‘rival’). It was not common in the Middle Ages, but was revived in the 19th century and is extremely popular throughout the English-speaking world today. Its best-known 19th‐century bearer was probably the novelist and poet Emily Brontë ( 1818–48 ).
Dictionary of First Names © Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges 1990, 2003, 2006.
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