When Leona Martha LaCroix was born on 25 March 1914, in Ecorse, Wayne, Michigan, United States, her father, George Joseph LaCroix, was 33 and her mother, Julia Florentine Odette, was 30. She had at least 1 son with Kenneth Clinton Winslow. She died on 4 April 1997, in Ecorse, Wayne, Michigan, United States, at the age of 83, and was buried in Ferndale Cemetery, Riverview, Wayne, Michigan, United States.
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Jeannette Pickering Rankin became the first woman to hold a federal office position in the House of Representatives, and remains the only woman elected to Congress by Montana.
U.S. intervenes in World War I, rejects membership of League of Nations.
The Neutrality Acts were passed in response to the growing conflicts in Europe and Asia during the time leading up to World War II. The primary purpose was so the US wouldn't engage in any more foreign conflicts. Most of the Acts were repealed in 1941 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Some characteristic forenames: French Andre, Marcel, Armand, Normand, Lucien, Emile, Pierre, Rosaire, Amelie, Benoit, Edouard, Gabrielle.
French and Walloon: topographic name from la croix ‘the cross’, for someone who lived near a cross set up by the roadside or in the marketplace, or a habitational name for someone from any of several places in various parts of France and in Belgium (Wallonia) named La Croix or Lacroix.
French and Walloon: from la croix ‘the cross’, used as a soldier's name or as a nickname for someone who carried the cross in church processions. Compare Cross , Lacross , Lacrosse , and Lecroy .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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