When Juan de Jesus Arroyo Leon was born on 19 January 1912, in Agua Blanca, Jutiapa, Guatemala, his father, Jesus Arroyo, was 31 and his mother, Dolores Leon Castaneda, was 27. He died in 1995, in his hometown, at the age of 83.
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1881– Male
1885–1951 Female
1907–1976 Male
1908–1984 Female
1909– Female
1912–1995 Male
1912–1977 Female
+2 More Children
Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Juan, Luis, Jesus, Manuel, Carlos, Miguel, Rafael, Francisco, Javier, Angel, Jorge.
Spanish: habitational name from any of numerous places called with arroyo ‘watercourse, irrigation channel’ (a word of pre-Roman origin).
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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