Adan Garcia Lopez was born on 19 December 1985, in Apango, Cocula, Guerrero, Mexico. He died on 20 December 1985, at the age of 0.
Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jesus, Carlos, Luis, Francisco, Pedro, Miguel, Jorge, Mario, Raul, Roberto, Ramon, Rafael. Portuguese Wenceslao, Joao, Paulo, Catarina, Albeiro, Ligia, Godofredo, Lidio, Wenseslao, Adao, Afonso.
Spanish (García) and Portuguese: from a medieval personal name of uncertain origin. It is normally found in medieval records in the Latin form Garsea, and may well be of pre-Roman origin, perhaps akin to Basque (h)artz ‘bear’. This is the most common surname in Spain and also one of the most common surnames elsewhere in Spanish-speaking world. In the US, where it is also found among Native Americans (mainly Pueblos in NM), it is the sixth most frequent surname. Compare De Garcia .
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