When Samuel Hofer was born on 6 August 1871, in Aargau, Switzerland, his father, Samuel Hofer, was 34 and his mother, Anna Bachmann, was 24. He died on 22 October 1871, at the age of 0, and was buried in Switzerland.
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1837–1886 Male
1847–1932 Female
1870–1871 Female
1871–1871 Male
1873–1905 Male
1874–1915 Male
1876–1900 Female
+3 More Children
Some characteristic forenames: German Franz, Kurt, Erwin, Florian, Hans, Heinz, Hermann, Johannes, Reiner, Ulli, Egon, Fritz.
South German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) (also Höfer): status name for someone who lived at, worked on, or managed a farm, from Middle High German hof ‘farmstead, manor farm, court’ + the agent suffix -er (compare Hoffmann ). See also Hoefer and Hoffer .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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