Mary Rolfe

Female2 February 1795–

Brief Life History of Mary

When Mary Rolfe was born on 2 February 1795, her father, William Rolfe, was 34 and her mother, Mary Webb, was 26. She lived in Suffolk, England in 1795.

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Family Time Line

William Rolfe
Mary Webb
Sarah Rolfe
Elizabeth Rolfe
William Rolfe
John Rolfe
James Rolfe
Mary Rolfe
Mary Rolfe
Daniel Rolfe
William Rolfe
James Rolfe

Sources (3)

  • Mary Rolfe, "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"
  • Maria in entry for Elizabeth Rolfe, "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"
  • Mary Rolfe, "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"

Parents and Siblings

Siblings (10)

+5 More Children

World Events (8)

1801 · The Act of Union

Age 6

The Act of Union was a legislative agreement which united England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland under the name of the United Kingdom on January 1, 1801.


Age 20

The defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo marks the end of the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon defeated and exiled to St. Helena.


Age 35

Eclectic Period (Art and Antiques).

Name Meaning

English: of Norman origin, from the Middle English and Anglo-Norman French personal name Rolf, Roulf, Rou, Roul, Rouf, Rof. Its usual derivation is from Old Norse Hrólfr, Rolf, from ancient Germanic hrōd ‘fame, renown’ + wulf ‘wolf’, and occasionally from ancient Germanic Rodulf, of the same origin as Hrólfr (earlier Hróthúlfr) but in a West Frankish form, which the Scandinavian Normans occasionally used. The name was also common in Normandy where it became Old French Roul, Rou, often Latinized as Rollo. See Ralph and compare Rowe , Dow , and Rowson .

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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