Domingo Belza Yjurco

Brief Life History of Domingo

Domingo Belza Yjurco was christened on 13 January 1727, in Etxarri Aranatz, Nafarroa, Spain as the son of Miguel de Belza Igoa and Maria Yjurco Miguel de Echarri. He married Maria Francisca Jaca Ulayar on 4 July 1747, in Santa María, Etxarri Aranatz, Nafarroa, Spain. They were the parents of at least 4 sons and 4 daughters.

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Family Time Line

Domingo Belza Yjurco
Maria Francisca Jaca Ulayar
Marriage: 4 July 1747
Maria Antonia de Belza de Jaca
Miguel Francisco de Belza de Jaca
Maria Josepha Belza Jaca
Franzisco Ascencio de Belza de Jaca
Isavel de Belza de Jaca
Lucas Belza Jaca
Maria Fermina de Belza de Jaca
Fermin Bernardo Belza

Sources (30)

  • Domingo de Belza en el registro de Francisco Asencio de Belza, "España, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1307-1985"
  • Domingo de Balza en el registro de Lucas de Balza de Jaca, "España, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1307-1985"
  • Domingo del Belza en el registro de María Josefa de Belza, "España, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1307-1985"

World Events (5)


Spain lost Florida to the United Kingdom.


French forces led by Napoleon conquered Spain but the Spanish regained control in 1814.

1808 · Peninsular war

War against Napolean was met with great resistance by Spanish nationalists, with help from British troops, Spain force French out of the peninsula.

Name Meaning

Polish: nickname for a tall, upright man, from belka ‘beam, timber’.

Czech (Bělka) and Slovak: from a pet form of the female personal name Czech Běla, Slovak Biela meaning ‘white’, or possibly a nickname from Czech bělka, Slovak belka ‘animal with white or whitish hair’.

Sorbian (Bělka, B'elka): from a pet form of the Biblical personal name Abel , or a nickname derived from běły ‘white, bright, fair’. Compare Belke , Bielke , Boehlke , and Boelke .

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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