When Hanna Svensson was born on 14 September 1857, in Reslöf, Onsjö, Malmöhus, Sweden, her father, Sven Christensson, was 40 and her mother, Else Svensdotter, was 23. She died on 2 February 1859, in her hometown, at the age of 1, and was buried in Reslöf, Onsjö, Malmöhus, Sweden.
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Some characteristic forenames: Scandinavian Lars, Anders, Erik, Lennart, Sven, Ejnar, Johan, Bent, Bjorn, Gunn, Holger, Mats. German Ernst, Kurt, Markus, Otto.
Swedish: patronymic from the personal name Sven, from Old Norse Sveinn, originally a byname meaning ‘boy, servant’. It is also found in Denmark, northern Germany, and Norway. Compare Svenson , Swainson , Swanson , Swenson , Swensson , and Swinson .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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