Chiara Goffini


Brief Life History of Chiara

Chiara Goffini was born in 1801, in Naples, Campania, Italy. She married Domenico Luigi Martino Eusebio Gesue Visco on 3 August 1840, in Naples, Naples, Campania, Italy. They were the parents of at least 1 son and 1 daughter.

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Family Time Line

Domenico Luigi Martino Eusebio Gesue Visco
Chiara Goffini
Marriage: 3 August 1840
Giulia Filomena Goffini
Giuseppe Visco

Sources (4)

  • {name} na entrada para Giulia Filomena Goffini, “Itália, Napoli, Registro Civil (Arquivo Do Estado), 1809-1865”
  • Chiara Goffini in entry for Giuseppe Visco, "Italia, Napoli, Stato Civile (Archivio di Stato), 1809-1865"
  • Chiara Goffini, "Italy, Napoli, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1865"

Spouse and Children

  • Marriage
    3 August 1840Naples, Naples, Campania, Italy
  • Children (2)

    World Events (4)


    Age 13

    Napoleon abdicated his throne and Italy was broken up into small kingdoms.


    Age 19

    Small revolutions in the kingdoms. Venice, Rome and Tuscany declare themselves Republics.


    Age 48

    Austria regains control of most of Italy.

    Name Meaning

    Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational from German Hopfen ‘hops’. The initial g is due to Russian influence, since Russian has no h and alters it to g in borrowed words and names.

    French and Walloon: from a pet form of the personal name Godefroy .

    French and Walloon: possibly also a nickname from a diminutive of Old French goffe ‘heavy, coarse’.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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