When Johnnie Earl Deaton was born on 18 March 1907, in Howe, Le Flore, Oklahoma, United States, his father, Abel Francis Deaton, was 24 and his mother, Ella Jewell Easley, was 18. He died on 19 February 1938, in Salinas, Monterey, California, United States, at the age of 30, and was buried in Salinas, Monterey, California, United States.
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1907–1938 Male
1913– Female
1883–1945 Male
1888–1971 Female
1905–1986 Male
1907–1938 Male
1909–1976 Female
1912–1951 Female
1914–1968 Female
+5 More Children
English (Middlesex): variant of Deighton .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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