When Rosanna Ruth Hawk was born on 1 January 1900, in Elderton, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, United States, her father, James Gaily " Squire" Hawk, was 32 and her mother, Maude Anna Craft, was 24. She married Kenneth Waverly Slaeker on 20 January 1920, in Butler, Pennsylvania, United States. They were the parents of at least 2 sons. She lived in Plumcreek Township, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, United States in 1920 and Vandergrift, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, United States for about 10 years. She died on 26 September 1943, in Armstrong, Pennsylvania, United States, at the age of 43, and was buried in Elderton, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, United States.
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This Act set a price at which gold could be traded for paper money.
The world’s first movie theater was located in Pittsburgh. It was referred to as a nickelodeon as at the time it only cost 5 cents to get in.
Like the Boy Scouts of America, The Girl Scouts is a youth organization for girls in the United States. Its purpose is to prepare girls to empower themselves and by acquiring practical skills.
English: nickname from Middle English havoc, havek, hauk ‘hawk or falcon’ (Old English hafoc). It may have been given to a professional falconer, to someone of a savage or cruel disposition, or to someone who held land by providing hawks for his lord, as in an instance from 1130, where Ralph Hauoc owed the royal Exchequer two ‘girfals’ (i.e. gyrfalcons or hawks).
English: topographic name for a ‘(dweller in) the nook or corner’, from Middle English halke (derived from Old English halh + the diminutive suffix -oc).
English: possibly also a survival into Middle English of the Old English personal name Hafoc, which was originally a nickname from the word ‘hawk, falcon’. It seems to have died out of use as a personal name by c. 1250.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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