Berry or Bessy Chase

FemaleApril 1885–

Brief Life History of Berry or Bessy

When Berry or Bessy Chase was born in April 1885, in Hand, South Dakota, United States, her father, Gideon R Chase, was 34 and her mother, Roselia Emery, was 33.

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Family Time Line

Gideon R Chase
Roselia Emery
Laura Chase
Ella Chase
Carrie L Chase
Frank Emery Chase
Berry or Bessy Chase

Sources (0)


    There are no historical documents attached to Berry or Bessy.

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (5)

    World Events (3)


    Age 1

    Statue of Liberty is dedicated.

    1886 · Giving Working Men a Union

    Age 1

    The largest union group in the United States during the first half of the 20th century. It still exists today but merged with The Congress of Industrial Organization.

    1890 · The Sherman Antitrust Act

    Age 5

    This Act tried to prevent the raising of prices by restricting trade. The purpose of the Act was to preserve a competitive marketplace to protect consumers from abuse.

    Name Meaning

    English (southern): metonymic occupational name for a huntsman, or perhaps a nickname for an exceptionally skilled huntsman, from Middle English chase ‘hunt’ (Old French chasse, from chasser ‘to hunt’, Latin captare).

    History: Thomas Chase came to MA from Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England, in the 1640s, and had many prominent descendants. Samuel Chase, born in Somerset County, MD, in 1741, was one of the first members of the US Supreme Court; Philander Chase, born in Cornish, NH, in 1741 was a prominent Episcopal clergyman, and his nephew Salmon Portland Chase (1808–73), also born in Cornish, was governor of OH, a US senator, and secretary of the US Treasury during the Civil War.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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