Arna Andersson

Female15 February 1834–8 January 1888

Brief Life History of Arna

Arna Andersson was born on 15 February 1834, in Hellestad, Torna, Malmöhus, Sweden as the daughter of Anders Andersson and Kerstina Andersdr. She married Sjunne Johnsson Lundqvist on 17 November 1865, in Särslöv, Oxie, Malmöhus, Sweden. They were the parents of at least 3 sons and 1 daughter. She lived in Södervidinge, Harjager, Malmöhus, Sweden in 1886. She died on 8 January 1888, at the age of 53.

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Family Time Line

Sjunne Johnsson Lundqvist
Arna Andersson
Marriage: 17 November 1865
Augusta Lundqvist
Nels Lundquist
August Lundqvist
Otto Lundqvist

Sources (7)

  • Anna Andersdotter in household of Sjunne Johnsson Lundqvist, "Sweden, Household Examination Books, 1880-1930"
  • Anna Anderson in entry for Nels Lundquist and Lena Smith, "Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925"
  • Arna Anderson in entry for Nels Lundquist and Olive Mc Crea, "Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925"

Spouse and Children

  • Marriage
    17 November 1865Särslöv, Oxie, Malmöhus, Sweden
  • Children (4)

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (1)

    World Events (4)

    1848 · The March Unrest

    Age 14

    The March Unrest, or the Marsoroligheterna, was a series of riots in Stockholm in March 1848, due to news of the French Revolution. As a mob gathered and plundered shops on March 19, the militia fired shots and 18 deaths. The army arrived on March 21 for reinforcement and terminated any further rioting.


    Age 18

    Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Stockholm.

    1873 · The Swedish Krona Becomes National Currency

    Age 39

    The Swedish krona replaced the Swedish riksdaler as the national currency in 1873.

    Name Meaning

    Some characteristic forenames: Scandinavian Erik, Bjorn, Lars, Mats, Lennart, Nils, Per, Anders, Berndt, Hokan, Olle, Sten. German Hans, Kurt, Alfons, Ernst, Gerd, Monika.

    Swedish: patronymic from the personal name Anders, a vernacular form of Andreas .

    Americanized form of Norwegian, North German, and very rare Danish patronymic Anderssen, a cognate of 1 above. Compare Andersen and Anderson .

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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