Tollef Ingemoesen Kittilsland was born in 1693, in Veggli, Rollag, Buskerud, Norway as the son of Ingemoes. He had at least 2 sons and 2 daughters with Ambior Paulsdatter Skavlem. He died in December 1765, in his hometown, at the age of 72.
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1n 1700 Norway changed from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar. The day after 18 Feb in the Julian Calendar became 1 March in the Gregorian calendar.
Law of 1736 legally established Confirmation in the Lutheran Church which led to organized education for all children. These became important records which the Pastor kept.
First school law to begin universal schooling in Norway. They taught the subjects of Christianity, reading, writing, arithmetic. Compulsory schooling from the age of seven and at least until ten to twelve years old.
Tohl-lic, from tohl, a tool, and lic, like, meaning toollike; or, from toh-lic, compounded of toh, tough, clammy, and lie, like, meaning clammy
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