Ephraim Patch I

Male17 October 1779–

Brief Life History of Ephraim

Ephraim Patch I was born on 17 October 1779, in Templeton, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.

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Sources (1)

  • Ephraim Patch, "New Hampshire Marriage Records, 1637-1947"

World Events (3)

1781 · The First Constitution

Age 2

Serving the newly created United States of America as the first constitution, the Articles of Confederation were an agreement among the 13 original states preserving the independence and sovereignty of the states. But with a limited central government, the Constitutional Convention came together to replace the Articles of Confederation with a more established Constitution and central government on where the states can be represented and voice their concerns and comments to build up the nation.

1783 · A Free America

Age 4

The Revolutionary War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris which gave the new nation boundries on which they could expand and trade with other countries without any problems.

1786 · Shays' Rebellion

Age 7

Caused by war veteran Daniel Shays, Shays' Rebellion was to protest economic and civil rights injustices that he and other farmers were seeing after the Revolutionary War. Because of the Rebellion it opened the eyes of the governing officials that the Articles of Confederation needed a reform. The Rebellion served as a guardrail when helping reform the United States Constitution.

Name Meaning

English: variant of Pask .

Americanized form of Czech and Slovak Pač (see Pac 2).

Probably also an Americanized form of German Petsch , Pätsch (see Patsch 1) or Patsch 2.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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