Anne Andersdatter

Brief Life History of Anne

Anne Andersdatter was born about 1720, in Ishøj, Copenhagen, Denmark. She married Ole Olsen on 18 June 1747, in Ishøj, Copenhagen, Denmark. They were the parents of at least 2 sons and 3 daughters. She was buried in Ishøj, Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Family Time Line

Ole Olsen
Anne Andersdatter
Marriage: 18 June 1747
Anders Olsen
Kirsten Olsdatter
Gundel Olesdatter
Sidse Olsdatter

Sources (10)

  • Anne Andersdr in entry for Anders Olsen, "Denmark Baptisms, 1618-1923"
  • Anne Andersdr in entry for Sidze Olsen, "Denmark Baptisms, 1618-1923"
  • Anne Andersdr in entry for Gundel Olsen, "Denmark, Baptisms, 1618-1923"

World Events (6)


Greenland becomes Danish province.

1730 · Danish Asia Company

The Danish Asiatic Company was a trading company established to revive the dwindling Danish trade with the East Indies and China. It was taken over by the Danish government in 1772 and continued to run until around 1843.

1737 · Meyercrones Stiftelse

Meyercrones Stiftelse was founded by the widow of Henning de Meyercrone after he had served as Danish envoy in France. Christiane Meyercrone, Henning's widow, managed the property until her death in 1738. Her niece became the new manager of the foundation and arranged for its charter to be written in 1830. The original, small building was replaced by a larger building in 1933.

Name Meaning

variant of Anne , in common use as a given name in most European languages. Among people with a classical education, it has from time to time been associated with Virgil's Aeneid, where it is borne by the sister of Dido , Queen of Carthage. This Phoenician name may ultimately be of Semitic origin, and thus related to the biblical Anne. However, the connection, if it exists, is indirect rather than direct.

Dictionary of First Names © Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges 1990, 2003, 2006.

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