Isaac Cooper

Brief Life History of Isaac

When Isaac Cooper was born on 2 November 1782, in Pennsylvania, United States, his father, John Cooper, was 40 and his mother, Martha Burt, was 31.

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Family Time Line

John Cooper
Martha Burt
Rebecca Cooper
Hannah Cooper
Rebecca Cooper
Isaac W. Cooper
Martha Cooper
Mary Cooper
Asa Cooper
James Cooper
Isaac Cooper
Joel Cooper

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    There are no historical documents attached to Isaac.

    Parents and Siblings

    World Events (3)

    1783 · A Free America

    The Revolutionary War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris which gave the new nation boundries on which they could expand and trade with other countries without any problems.

    1786 · Shays' Rebellion

    Caused by war veteran Daniel Shays, Shays' Rebellion was to protest economic and civil rights injustices that he and other farmers were seeing after the Revolutionary War. Because of the Rebellion it opened the eyes of the governing officials that the Articles of Confederation needed a reform. The Rebellion served as a guardrail when helping reform the United States Constitution.

    1787 · Second State to Ratify U.S. Constitution

    On December 12, 1787, Pennsylvania ratified the U.S. Constitution.

    Name Meaning

    English: occupational name for a maker and repairer of wooden vessels such as barrels, tubs, buckets, casks, and vats, from Middle English couper, cowper (apparently from Middle Dutch kūper, a derivative of kūp ‘tub, container’, which was borrowed independently into English as coop). The prevalence of the surname, its cognates, and equivalents bears witness to the fact that this was one of the chief specialist trades in the Middle Ages throughout Europe. In North America, the English surname has absorbed some cases of like-sounding cognates from other languages, for example Dutch Kuiper .

    Americanized form of Jewish (Ashkenazic) Kupfer and Kupper (see Kuper ).

    Dutch: occupational name for a buyer or merchant, Middle Dutch coper.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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