When Marie Louise Vermet was born on 16 February 1779, in Saint-Henri, Lévis, Quebec, Canada, her father, Jean Baptiste Vermet, was 47 and her mother, Marie Anne Gauthier, was 37. She died in March 1794, in her hometown, at the age of 15, and was buried in Saint-Henri, Lévis, Quebec, Canada.
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Some characteristic forenames: French/Haitian Yves, Andre, Herard, Julien, Lucien, Marcel, Raymonde, Wilner. Spanish Guillermo, Andres, Lourde, Mario, Nestor, Roberto.
Catalan and French (Occitan): topographic name from vernet ‘plantation or forest of alders’. This surname is also found in Haiti.
Catalan: habitational name from any of the places called Vernet, especially a town in El Conflent district, in northern Catalonia.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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