John Stevenson

Maleabout 1847–29 August 1887

Brief Life History of John

When John Stevenson was born about 1847, in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, his father, John Stephenson or Stevenson, was 27 and his mother, Catherine Boax, was 25. He married Jane Mclehose on 2 June 1871, in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. They were the parents of at least 3 sons and 3 daughters. He lived in Bridgeton, Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom in 1881. He died on 29 August 1887, in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, at the age of 41.

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Family Time Line

John Stevenson
Jane Mclehose
Marriage: 2 June 1871
John Stevenson
Archibald McLehose Stevenson
Elizabeth Johnston Stevenson
Jane Stevenson
Jane McLehose Stevenson
James McLehose Stevenson

Sources (3)

  • John Stevenson, "Scotland Census, 1881"
  • John Stevenson, "Scotland, Marriages, 1561-1910"
  • John Stevenson in entry for John Stevenson, "Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950"

Spouse and Children

  • Marriage
    2 June 1871Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
  • Children (6)

    +1 More Child

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (1)

    World Events (6)

    1847 · The United Presbyterian Church of Scotland is established.

    Age 0

    The United Presbyterian Church of Scotland was formed in 1847. For most of its existence the United Presbyterian Church was the third largest Presbyterian Church in Scotland and flourished in Scotland for 53 years. After being reunited with the Church of Scotland in 1929, it continues to bring relief to the local communities.

    1854 · Great North of Scotland Railway

    Age 7

    Being one of the two smallest railways in 1923, the Great North of Scotland Railway carried its first passengers from Kittybrewster to Huntly in 1854. In the 1880s the railways were refurbished to give express services to the suburban parts in Aberdeen. There were junctions with the Highland Railway established to help connect Aberdeenshire, Banffshire and Moray counties. The railway started to deliver goods from the North Sean and from the whisky distilleries in Speyside. With the implementation of bus services and the purchase of the British Railway the Great North of Scotland Railway was discontinued.

    1868 · The Representation of the people (Scotland) Act 1868

    Age 21

    The Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1868 was passed by Parliament and allowed for the creation of seven additional Scottish seats in the House of Commons. Along with the seats, Two University constituencies were created. These each returned one member to Parliament.

    Name Meaning

    English: from the Middle English and Older Scots personal name Steven, Stephen (see Steven ) + -son. This surname is also very common in northern Ireland (especially Antrim and Down), where it has been interchangeable with Steenson and Stinson . In North America, this surname has also absorbed various European cognates, such as Danish, Norwegian, and North German Steffensen or Stephensen ; see also Stevens .

    Scottish: variant of Stevenston, a habitational name from Stevenston (Ayrshire), Stevenson in Newlands (Peeblesshire), or Stevenson in Haddington (East Lothian). The placename in each case derives from the personal name Steven + Older Scots toun ‘farmstead, settlement’.

    English: habitational name from Stevenstone (Devon), meaning ‘Stephen's farmstead’.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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