María Ángela Juanena Gaztelú

Femaleabout 1730–4 April 1805

Brief Life History of María Ángela

When María Ángela Juanena Gaztelú was born about 1730, in Gorriti, Larraun, Nafarroa, Spain, her father, Mathías Juanena Martija, was 52 and her mother, Juana de Gaztelu, was 52. She married Miguel Ezcutari Echarri on 7 January 1771, in Gorriti, Larraun, Nafarroa, Spain. They were the parents of at least 1 son. She died on 4 April 1805, in Echarri, Etxarri, Nafarroa, Spain, at the age of 76.

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Family Time Line

Miguel Ezcutari Echarri
María Ángela Juanena Gaztelú
Marriage: 7 January 1771
Lorenzo Francisco Ezcutari Juanena

Sources (2)

  • Maria Angela de Juanena en el registro de Lorenzo Francisco de Escutari de Juanena, "España, bautismos, 1502-1940"
  • Angela De Juanena, "España, matrimonios, 1565-1950"

Spouse and Children

  • Marriage
    7 January 1771Gorriti, Larraun, Nafarroa, Spain
  • Children (1)

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (3)

    World Events (1)


    Age 33

    Spain lost Florida to the United Kingdom.

    Name Meaning

    A name derived from Mapia, one of the Greek forms of Miriam. Maria is found as a male name as well as a female name. Viscount Montague, of Cowdray, Sussex, who succeeded to the title as second viscount, was christened Anthony Maria Browne. In Camden's Remains (p. 44), referred to in Delicie Literarise, occurs Thomas Maria Wingfield; and there was also a Sir Edward Maria Wingfield. The name appears to have been adopted in the latter family from Mary, daughter of Henry VIII. Compare Notes and Queries 5th S. ii. 73, 316, 478. Marie is frequently found as a male name in France and in other parts of the Continent.

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