When Turner Pursley was born on 7 October 1899, in Cerulean, Trigg, Kentucky, United States, his father, Robert Richard Pursley, was 29 and his mother, Minnie Leah Turner, was 30. He married Mary Beers about 1927. He immigrated to Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, United States in 1927 and lived in Magisterial District 4, Trigg, Kentucky, United States in 1910. He died on 15 December 1945, in Christian, Kentucky, United States, at the age of 46, and was buried in Cerulean, Trigg, Kentucky, United States.
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This Act set a price at which gold could be traded for paper money.
On January 30, 1900 Governor William Goebel of Kentucky was assassinated. He took a bullet to the chest, outside the Old State Capitol. He died on February 3, 1900.
Like the Boy Scouts of America, The Girl Scouts is a youth organization for girls in the United States. Its purpose is to prepare girls to empower themselves and by acquiring practical skills.
English (Sussex and Devon): habitational name from Pursley Farm in Shenley, Hertfordshire.
Probably an altered form of German Bürschle, a diminutive of Bursch .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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