Eliza Josephte Saucier

Brief Life History of Eliza Josephte

When Eliza Josephte Saucier was born on 15 August 1825, in Saint-Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada, her father, Francois Regis Saucier, was 31 and her mother, Marie Anne Dancosse, was 29. She married Pierre Bercier Sawyer on 10 August 1846, in Saint-Anicet, Huntingdon, Canada East, British North America. They were the parents of at least 4 sons and 8 daughters. She lived in Norfolk, St. Lawrence, New York, United States in 1870. She died on 17 February 1864, in Saint Regis Falls, Franklin, New York, United States, at the age of 38, and was buried in Oswego, Oswego, New York, United States.

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Family Time Line

Pierre Bercier Sawyer
Eliza Josephte Saucier
Marriage: 10 August 1846
Marguerite Mary Sawyer or Bercier
Peter Sawyer III
Mary Sawyer
Adelia Sawyer
Antoine Edward Sawyer
Catherine Sawyer
Nellie Sawyer
Oliver Sawyer or Bercier
Emilie Sawyer or Bercier
Eliza Margaret Sawyer
John H Sawyer
Emma Sophia Sawyer

Sources (2)

  • Eliza Sawyer in household of Peter Sawyer, "United States Census, 1870"
  • Pierre Bercier and Josephte Saucier Marriage, "Saint-Anicet Registres paroissiaux, 1825-1876"

World Events (6)

1827 · Slavery Becomes Illegal in New York State

During the years 1799 to 1827, New York went through a period of gradual emancipation. A Gradual Emancipation Law was passed in 1799 which freed slave children born after July 4, 1799. However, they were indentured until 25 years old for women and 28 years old for men. A law passed 1817 which freed slaves born before 1799, yet delayed their emancipation for ten years. All remaining slaves were freed in New York State on July 4, 1827.

1830 · The Second Great Awakening

Being a second spiritual and religious awakening, like the First Great Awakening, many Churches began to spring up from other denominations. Many people began to rapidly join the Baptist and Methodist congregations. Many converts to these religions believed that the Awakening was the precursor of a new millennial age.

1836 · Remember the Alamo

Being a monumental event in the Texas Revolution, The Battle of the Alamo was a thirteen-day battle at the Alamo Mission near San Antonio. In the early morning of the final battle, the Mexican Army advanced on the Alamo. Quickly being overrun, the Texian Soldiers quickly withdrew inside the building. The battle has often been overshadowed by events from the Mexican–American War, But the Alamo gradually became known as a national battle site and later named an official Texas State Shrine.

Name Meaning

Some characteristic forenames: French Camille, Normand, Alcide, Alphe, Armand, Adelard, Adrien, Alberie, Alderic, Andre, Antoine.

French: occupational name from Old French saussier, a term denoting a cook who specialized in making sauces. Compare Sochia and Socia .

History: Louis Saucier/Saussier from Paris, France, married Marguerite Gaillard in Quebec City, QC, in 1671. His descendants also bear altered forms of the surname, such as Soc(h)ia.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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